Sunday, June 29, 2008

ZIMBABWE Bloodbath!

Where are the democracy loving Americans?
People are dying in their thousands but no sign of American intervention.
Is it because there is no chance of making money from this country?
No Oil...........etc

The International Community, even the UK has to intervene.
Send the UN in and rid the world of this dictator. IDI AMIN number 2.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Americans again..... You´ve been warned!

More American "Democracy" looks to be on the way.

Click on the link below or copy and paste into your browser.

Courtesy of the Independent newspaper, UK:

Friday, June 06, 2008

What the hell is wrong with American people in this city?


This is a disgrace, what is this stupid world coming too?
You can clearly see the poor man run over but no-one cares about him, only their own selfish lives.