Friday, November 24, 2006

BA creating a rod for its own back?

The Check In lady who worked for BA has just lost her appeal to wear a Cross around her neck. Why? Sikh's employed by the same company can wear turbans and Muslim Women are allowed to wear Hijabs. This is reverse discrimination! This woman lives and works in a largely Christian Country, surely this lack of tolerance cannot be acceptable? The wearing of Religious Icons should be open across the board, or banned across the board, not one rule for one and another for another.
It has just been on the news that the teaching assistant that won £1000 for not taking her veil off in a classroom environment has been sacked. This is excellent news. The education of the children must come first. The people from her community, including her own MP (well spoken and eloquent) have said that she is wrong in wanting to continue wearing the veil in that environment. Outside or in a family arena is fine. Maybe she could use some of her monetary reward to move somewhere where the Hijab will be accepted in a teaching environment, or will that be a step too far for her?


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